Diane Ahrens
Sr. Vice President -

Joined the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary December of 2011, my friend DeLoris Doderlein and her husband Fred gifted my husband Roger & I with life memberships.  We met while serving in the Marine Corps at Parris Island, I was a military police and Roger was a senior drill instructor.  Roger served two tours in Vietnam and I joined the Auxiliary under his eligibility.

We owned a bakery for 25 years and had the honor of shipping cookies to our military serving overseas in harms way for 15 of those years.  Each month we would bake, package and ship. It was a great way to include the community and the letters we received kept us motivated.

I served as Post 2298 Auxiliary President from 2014-2018.  We began hosting our Veteran’s Baby Showers  January 2016 and we recently hosted our 8thAnnual. I had the opportunity to serve as the 5th District Auxiliary President 2018-2022. December 2019 our landlord sold the bakery’s building and we closed shop. I ran for Department of Illinois Guard and began my journey June of 2020. 

May 2021 I began a nonprofit: Operation Sweet Life Inc, Home Sweet Home Furnishings for Veterans. We supply furniture and household items for Veterans transitioning out of homelessness into housing.  We recently celebrated Operation Sweet Life Inc’s Third anniversary.

Life is full, I have 4 adult children, 7 grand children and one more on the way. I was adopted when I was two, my dad was a Korean Veteran and he dedicated his "free” time in Korea to volunteering in the local orphanage.  My parents were farmers although my dad always had a full time job in addition to farming. I am honored to be able to represent Illinois as your Sr Vice for the 2024-25 Year. Thank you & Semper Fi