Becky Coulson
6th District President -

Becky Coulson joined the VFW Auxiliary in 2015 with a desire to support her father, a Vietnam Purple Heart veteran. She remembers going to the local post with her grandparents although her Dad didn’t join or become active until he retired and moved back to the family farm in Indiana. After hearing everything the VFW did for veterans, Becky decided to move her membership closer to home and she joined the Watch City Post in Elgin, IL (District 5). Her motivation to continue in the Auxiliary was to continue to support her Dad and Veterans like him who went into the service willing, if necessary, to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

Since joining the Auxiliary, Becky has served in leadership at the post level as President and Senior Vice President in Elgin and Belvidere, President, and Trustee. At the District level, she has served as a Chaplain, Senior Vice President, and President.

Becky’s service minded activities do not start nor end with the VFW Auxiliary. She is also a member of the Rochester, IN Eagles Club, The American Legion Post 77 Auxiliary, and volunteer at Bravehearts—an equine therapy center for veterans and special needs youth. Her enthusiasm, desire to learn, and servant heart have made her a quality player in all of these arenas.

 Looking back, Becky says that the best advice that she received when she joined the Auxiliary was to "get involved in the mission of the Auxiliary in a way that she was passionate about” and she continues to give that advice to new members. "What better way to serve others than to do something you love doing!”

When Becky is not volunteering, she is working for Sears Home Services managing technicians in multiple areas, and being the best Grandma she can be.