Tammy Napier
Veterans and Family Support Chairman -

Tammy is a life member of the Olney Memorial Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary #4226 in the 13th District. She had the honor and privilege of joining the VFW Auxiliary under the eligibility of her paternal grandfather John Snyder, who served in the Army during World War II. Her involvement in the organization began with a "littleā€ nudge from her aunt, who was very active in the Auxiliary. Reluctantly, Tammy joined as an annual member in August 2004, began attending meetings, helping with fundraisers, and just learned what the VFW Auxiliary was all about. She was quickly elected as an Auxiliary officer and became a life member.  Since then, Tammy has held various offices and chairmanships on the Auxiliary, District, and Department levels. In addition to her involvement with the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary, Tammy has been married to her husband, Nathan, for 35 years. They have three grown children, one granddaughter, a toy poodle, and a French bulldog to occupy their time. Tammy looks forward to serving this great organization and its members this year and for many years to come.